Saturday, July 31, 2010

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"Today (...), even in countries where the festive nature of this day is guaranteed by law, the evolution of socio-economic situation has led in many cases a profound change in behavior collective and consequently also in the same kind of Sunday. Became widespread practice of "weekend", a weekly period of rest, often lived away from the residence (...) It is a social and cultural phenomenon in which there is certainly no positive elements, if it contributes to the respecting true values, human development and progress of society as a whole. It allows you to meet not only the need for rest, but also as a "celebration", inscribed in human nature. Unfortunately, when Sunday loses its fundamental meaning and becomes merely "End of the week", it happens sometimes that man became a horizon so narrow that it allows him to see "Heaven" [Cf Note the Italian Bishops' Conference Pastoral Il giorno del Signore (15 July 1984), 5: Ench. CEI 3, 1398th] . Even festively dressed, no longer able to "celebrate". "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

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's day weekend ... Breakthrough Reflections

" In the rhythm of the week, guiding the passage of time, Sunday recalls (...) days Resurrection of Christ. This is Passover week, when which we celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death, completion of the works of the first creation and the beginning of the "new creation" (cf. 2 Cor 5, 17). (...)
Rightly, therefore, can be related to Sunday call the Psalmist: "Behold, the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it a" (Ps 118 [117], 24). This invitation to joy, echoed in the Easter liturgy, expresses astonishment which injured a woman who saw the crucifixion of Christ, and when "early on the first day of the week came to the tomb (Mk 16, 2) have not found anyone in it. It is an invitation to a way to relive the experience of the two disciples from Emmaus, who felt like "heart burn within them", when the Risen Lord joined them on the road, explained to them the Scriptures and appeared on the "breaking of bread" (cf. Lk 24, 32 35). It is the echo of joy, first timid, then rousing, what the apostles endured the same evening when he came to them, the risen Jesus and received the gift of His peace and His Spirit (cf. Jn 20, 19-23). \u200b\u200b"

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

Monday, July 26, 2010

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"Mankind has made wonderful discoveries and achieved extraordinary results in science and technology has made great in the way of progress and civilization, accelerated somewhat in recent times, the course of history - and the core, so to speak," firstborn " breakthrough, over and through everything accompanies the history of man and all. the transformation from "falling" to "rising" from death to life. It is also a constant challenge to people's consciences, a challenge the whole historical awareness man: the challenge to follow the way of old and ever new, by "falling" and of "rising" if a fall has occurred. "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

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Laterna Magica

"I was sitting on someone's lap and fed me Pastes. Raincoat plate stood on the red
szlaczkiem. Enamel was white with blue flowers, scantily reflected light from the window
. Leaning sideways and forwards tried out different points of view. To the extent that
I moved your head, evolved in the glare of the plate Pastes.
Suddenly he threw up on it. "

rented one of the two autobiographies Ernst Ingmar'a Bergman'a" Laterna Magica "(such equipment which increases with light pictures, this primitive projector). It is a Cossack - because it is Bergman

move! - Let's movie

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

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" In light of Mary, the Church sees in the reflection of a beautiful woman, which reflects the loftiest sentiments of which the human heart is capable: the complete sacrifice of love, power, who can endure the greatest suffering, limitless fidelity and tireless devotion, skill to combine penetrating intuition with words of consolation and encouragement. "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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not talking about the elections interpersonal biadolił but I'll be here on our everyday decisions taken at every step. this is one of my theories I have reached-and actually doczłapałem, lazy-bom in the same way as the well-known Albert, turning cash. Why only now am I writing about? because it reminded me of this friend posting on his blog a quote. remembered what I said before. quote sounded "Everything is a choice,"

and so it is! everything is your choice and it is. failure in your way is only my fault. The first situation is better. mother does not allow for any-less, or the actual or imaginary-bibkę due to go on. Whose side is a wine that does not have followed her? when your because you do not stop before leaving home and going to a party.
there is no force that defends you bruise the first murder of a better person ulicyhy
there is no force that defends you a shout out to someone for something in the face

there is no force that defends you from way out with a bang with the company rozmownego

not have the strength that protects you from murdering somebody at the moment there is only learned

freedom ends where thinking begins

not tell you what to do, I say that you can do whatever you want
and say, or am I wrong?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What To Say For Certificate

Guards and keeps ...

" But the Church also preserves the faith received from Christ: the example of Mary, who kept and pondered in her heart (cf. Lk 2, 19 51) everything that is related to the Son of God, the Church is committed to preserving the word of God, investigating its riches with discernment and prudence, that in every age to bear a faithful witness to all the people [Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. II, Const. Constitution. on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum, 8; St. Bonaventure, Comment. in Evang. Luca, Ad Claras Aquas, VII, 53, n. 40, 68, n. 109th] . "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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Series show (all seasons)

-The Simpsons-Futurama

-Dr. House
-Włatcy Móch
-South Park
-mouth, mouth-

Barry and Tom-How I met your mother
-Married... with Children

plus maybe:
-The Cosby Show

My favourite series:

-The Simpsons
-South Park
-Kasia i tomek
-Married... with Children

-Włatcy Móch

let's move! - let's movie

In Url:live View/-axis

Church as the Bride Mother of the Church as

" At the same time the Church - like Mary - remains the virgin faithful to her spouse: "And he is a virgin, who keeps whole and pure the fidelity to her Spouse" 125 Church is the Bride of Christ, as the word is found in the Pauline Letters (cf. Eph 5: 21-33 and 2 Corinthians 11, 2), and in the Johannine expression "bride of the Lamb" (Rev. 21, 9). When the Church as the Bride, "a fidelity to Christ," then this faithfulness - even though the Apostle became the image of marriage (cf. Eph 5, 1923-1933) - also has value as a model of total dedication in celibacy "for the kingdom of heaven," virginity consecrated to God (cf. Mt 19, 11-12, 2 Corinthians 11, 2). "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

Monday, July 12, 2010

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" church "becomes (...) mother accepting in faith the word of God " [Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. II, Const. Constitution. on the Church Lumen Gentium, 64] , like Mary, who first believed, taking the word of God revealed to her at the Annunciation and by remaining faithful to that word in all experiments up to the Cross. (...) This "maternal" characteristic of the Church expressed in a special way by the Apostle to the nations, when he wrote: "My little children, again I burn you in pain, until Christ be formed in you" (Gal 4, 19). Including the These words of Saint Paul, a very significant footprint of maternal awareness of the Church, linked to her apostolic service to mankind. "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

Sunday, July 11, 2010

White Bumps Inside Nose

Maternal mediation

" Indeed, Mary's mediation is intimately linked with her motherhood, has specifically maternal character, which distinguishes it from the mediation of the other creatures who in various ways, but always subordinate to participate in the one mediation of Christ. Mediation of Mary is also via by participating [Cf word of Mediatrix 'ad mediator "Sw. Bernard, In Dominica infra oct. Assumptionis Sermo, 2: S. Bernardi Opera, V, 1968, 263 Mary as a pure mirror sends the Son all the glory and honor which she receives: I D., In Nativitate B. Mariae Sermo - De aquaeductu, 12: Ed. lc, 283rd] . If in fact no "creation can never be equated with the Incarnate Word and Redeemer," at the same time "the unique mediation of the Redeemer does not exclude, but gives rise to a variety of interactions, from the participation in one source." And so "a goodness of God in different ways really pours out the creatures' [ Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. II, Const. Constitution. on the Church Lumen Gentium, 62] . "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater

Saturday, July 3, 2010

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'Church, which from the beginning of his earthly pilgrimage pilgrimage conforms to the Mother of God, constantly repeats after her the words of the Magnificat . From the depths of the Virgin's faith at the Annunciation, the Visitation, derives the truth of God Covenant: the God who is Almighty and does "great things" in man. "Holy is his name. " In the Magnificat the victory at the very root of sin, which lay at the beginning of earthly history of man and woman, the sin of unbelief, disbelief in God. "

Encyclical Redemptoris Mater