Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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titles were already many other almost every day, every day I have something to writing, otherwise the text under a different title, but just talking to someone and emotional abuse, their own opinion no longer needs discover the mouth here, I have already arranged.

since it is, so it treats. sometimes the form of presentation, and sometimes just everyday pierdziele and this is how you pierdziele recent times, except that here it does not reach.

currently do not read it and I can not recommend, though I have a small list of books that I read in the first place. lack of time to choose the city, and my library does not have what you're looking for.

also do not watch movies because I also do not have you, though, and I have a few of these in store to look at.

what else?

on twitter lately also less likely to write, but more often than here, on the right side, the RSS links, and links to other people, is located on a regular basis updated list of my twitter


Sunday, September 26, 2010

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God's word of hope

"(...) Liturgical preaching, especially in the context of the Eucharistic assembly, is not so much a time for meditation and catechesis as a dialogue between God and his people: the dialogue is to announce the wonders of salvation and again recalls the commitments that result from the Covenant. People of God, for its part, feels called to participate in this dialogue of love, thanksgiving and praise, but also by demonstrating their fidelity to the constant effort "conversion". The Sunday assembly therefore requires the renewal of baptismal vows internal, which is done as if indirectly, by recitation of the Creed, and the liturgy of the Easter Vigil celebration and Baptism is when during Mass. "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

Monday, September 20, 2010

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(...) Sunday is not only a day of faith, but is also the day of Christian hope. (...) Celebrating the memorial of Christ, risen and ascended into heaven, the Christian community "full of hope awaits the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ" [Roman Missal, embolism after the Our Father] . Christian hope, from week to week and again lived and fed, it becomes the leaven and the light human hope.

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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Day Waiting

"Waiting for the coming of Christ (...) shall be disclosed in every Eucharistic celebration, but the Lord's Day as a special commemoration of the glory of the risen Lord is also a future profoundly the glory of his "return", which makes Sunday the day on which the Church, clearly revealing her identity as "nuptial", becomes in some way, the announcement of eschatological realities heavenly Jerusalem. "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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"Her Way"

is a story about the modern Muslim woman who must cope with the worship of the patriarchal world, aggressiveness orthodox Islam and the trauma of the Balkan war. The film was directed by Jasmila Zbanic.

Since September 10 we can watch the latest film in Poland Jasmila Zbanic "Her Way" . It is the story of Luna, who works as a flight attendant and is in love with a flight controller - Amara. Man loses job, however, because it has problems with alcohol abuse. I drink, I do not know how to cope with the nightmares of the past. He fought during the war in former Yugoslavia, where he lost a brother. Surprisingly, Amar meet former army colleague, who takes care of the job teacher. Here comes the transformation of Amara. As it turns out, his colleague is wahabitą - an orthodox follower of Islam who lives in a group that separates from the rest of society. Amar changes under the strong influence - stop drinking alcohol, praying five times a day, do not want to sleep with Luna until marriage in the mosque ... and here the problems begin between them.

Luna is also a Muslim, but poorly practiced their faith. Wahabitami feels fear, which it considers to be terrorists. Islam is associated with the war, during which lost her mother and the child's wishes ojca.Bardzo, but can not get pregnant, so it too can not be reconciled.

is a moving film about a search for identity, struggle with the past and the discovery of religion.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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" (...) during Sunday Mass. Christians relive with particular intensity, experience of the Apostles on the evening of Easter when the Risen Lord appeared to them all gathered in one place (cf. Jn 20, 19). In this small community of disciples, the seed of the Church, was present in some way the people of God all the time. By their testimony every generation of believers can hear the echo Greetings Christ, bringing the messianic gift of peace, which he bought for the price of his blood and offered with his Spirit: "Peace be with you" re coming of Christ in the pupils' after eight days "(Jn 20, 26) can be seen as a primordial image of the Christian community , which gathers every eight days, the Lord's day or on Sunday to profess faith in his resurrection, and reap the fruits of its promised blessings: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe" (Jn 20, 29). "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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Swedish companies do not want to hire people wearing religious headgear

Yes show the results of the experiment, which conducted the Swedish Radio P3 Nyheter.

2 women sent out your resume to 200 employers. With Emma contacted 35 companies, from Evin - wearing the hijab, only 8 employers wanted to arrange an interview recruitment.

Based on studies conducted in Sweden shows that 70% of companies do not want to employ people wearing religious headgear such as turbans or hijabs. 40% of surveyed employers believe that they never zatrudniłoby people in religious headgear, while 32% would prefer not to have such people in their companies.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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"Hand of Fatima" - the first wrażnia

As I wrote earlier, in my free time I read a new book titled Ildefonso Falcones Hand of Fatima. At the request of the blog readers, I wanted to share my first impressions.

I have to admit that they do not read much - only 200 pages, so by the end of almost 800, but the book has affected me very positive impression and you only have a minute, I reach for her to continue to follow the fate of Hernando - an illegitimate son Muslim women raped by the priest, who is repelled by both Muslims and Christians.

The book takes place in turbulent times, when Muslims living in the Iberian peninsula for hundreds of years suddenly became a minority. While reading it was impossible to overlook the terrible and eloquent scenes, when they forced the Muslims force Christians to convert to their faith. After a series of humiliations, Christians, Muslims denounce the war. Treat them with brutality and ruthlessness - do not spare neither women nor children.

The carnage inflicted which Muslims, Christians, Hernando Fatima rescues a beautiful girl, falls in love, but the girl already noted his stepfather, who decided to marry her ...

Further part of the story has not yet met, but I recommend the book because it can reach a lot about the history and sectarian fighting that took place in the Iberian Peninsula in the sixteenth century.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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Community News and detachment

"(...) it is also a day of rest: interruption of daily routine of classes, sometimes very annoying, is a" news "and" detachment ", and therefore commends the dependence of man and the universe from God. Everything belongs to God (...) This day recalls that the universe and history belong to God, and man can not fulfill its mission co-worker of the Creator in the world, if you repeatedly fail to realize this truth. "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini