Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Carmella Bing In 2010

" poetic style of the narrative of Genesis is truly amazing man in the immensity of creation and love for coming here the One who brought all things from nothing. These pages have deep religious significance - is a hymn to the Creator of the universe and reveal him as the only Lord, which contend that appear again and again the temptation deification of the world itself, anthem, and they are costing the goodness of creation, shaped by the almighty and merciful hand of God.
"God saw that it was good" (Gn 1, 10, 12, etc.). The recurring refrain in the story repeatedly sheds positive light on everything that is in the universe, and also penetrates the mystery, which allows it to properly understand and opens the possibility of rebirth: the world is good insofar as it remains united with its source , after being disfigured by sin, it is back good if the means of grace back to the One who created him. "

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini


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