Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Today Blog celebrates its 2nd birthday. I thank all the readers commenting on posts for the active and visiting my site :-)

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Blog Contest Blog of the Year 2010

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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People Are Strange

last straight. the last six months, the last school that I still (and others) let go. the last where you can do something chatter and bezliku jump. If everything goes the mean are they the last few months of living in Gliwice, whether or not the Silesian. despite the fact that I have all this enough that I (ewe. I) miss you. does not look like - developing in a good direction.

since I first went to Krościenko fell in love with the city. For many years, I went there every year (and still ride) I was convinced that this is where you want to move as an adult. I grew up with this time, despite the fact that there continue to love to ride. diametrically Plans have changed a few years ago when I visited the city of Boston. from the place of love, "nieodciągłość" and generally all the worst. all the worst can happen in a unilateral and theoretically impossible to meet the love. I liked everything there. I started a few hours to catch my breath, "pozachwytowy" and went to eat something ... I got to the pub where the joke is on the weight and give (among others) spinach. death (in a positive sense of this phrase) in place.

years passed, and I dreamed. I went to high school where I realized afterwards that they are studying. and then I found a ray of light flowing in my direction straight from the "town meetings". and look now at the end of first half results which I mentioned at the beginning, and then the "magic" envelope. things to pack ready at any moment.

only downside is that the even more beloved mountains, I'll be even farther than I have now. something for something. reflects itself in the future (ie I hope that I'll have to bounce back - read wro will want to see me)


wykminiłem he wanted to do this blog style "szafiarskim. after primo see that they have success, sekundo - is on the field experienced observer, I have an idea tercetio who want to try, but I miss some (jednego!) element. and that "tercetio" is the only reason that this blog is not yet a


something else?

not remember

have fun.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Is the transmission of their organs for transplants is consistent with our religion? Is

Czy przekazywanie swoich organów na przeszczepy jest zgodne z naszą religią?

     Tak, jest zgodne z naszą wiarą, jednak przy zachowaniu pewnych podstawowych zasad. Najpierw sprawa dotyczy osoby żyjącej, która przekazuje jakiś swój organ, aby ratować innego człowieka. Można to uczynić, pod warunkiem, że nie narażamy dawcy na śmierć lub kalectwo. Natomiast jeżeli pobiera się organy od osoby zmarłej, musimy mieć pewność, że ta osoba nie żyje i za życia zgodziła się (przynajmniej domyślnie) na to, aby być dawcą. Is

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during Advent you can dance?

during Advent you can dance? I know this is a period of joyful anticipation, but I heard that you can not, because it is a sin. Bart

This is a question that can not be answered in one word: "yes" or "no." It was possible to do so until recently, when there was an ecclesiastical commandments: "In times of banned games do not arrange grand" - and everything was clear. The five commandments of the church was, however, recently changed, and this law no longer exists. Does this mean that in Advent or Lent can no longer go to discos?

To answer that question yourself, look, how did you get that a prohibition on the playground.
When Jesus was on earth, the Pharisees accused the disciples that he is not fasting. Then Jesus replied, "Do wedding guests mourn while the bridegroom is with them? But the time will come when they will take the groom, and then they will fast." (Matthew 9:15).
Jesus called to stand and pray that you do not miss His coming (Mt 24, 42-44), because the harsh penalty incurred by those who choose the "use of life" instead of opening up the return of Christ (Mt 24,45-51). Such
attitudes were also the first Christians, fasting and prayer are vital elements for the practice of the faith of the early Church - and so was today. Christians are people wandering into the house of the Father and the Savior wyczekującymi return.

Advent is a time of standby. Symbolic vigil for liturgical celebrations of the birth of the Son of God, but also a real stand - for the second coming of the Lord at the end of time. Therefore, before the Church is a non-subordinated commandments, and now the ban lifted, probably hoping mature Catholics. Maturity, which will show them that we give up playing in this short period of four Sundays in order to open our hearts to Christ's coming.
But we do not know when he returns. May we not waste your chance, as indicated by Jesus' contemporaries of Noah: "For as in the time before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and married seemed, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all, so also will the coming of the Son of Man. " (Mt 24,38-39). Advent renunciation of play will undoubtedly help us in ensuring that and encounter with Jesus.

We can therefore say that you can dance in Advent, and it is not a sin, as there is no ban. But this legal approach, literal and immature. Because really, anyone who can not refrain from playing during that period, you may accuse himself, that he wasted the time to prepare the soul for the Lord - staged so the danger of their faith and salvation, which is already very serious offense.
In faith, after all it is not only the question: "Is it a sin?" a rather questions: "Do not I go through this from God?", "whether it will strengthen my faith?", "if not stop me in the spiritual development ?"... It is also worth considering the temptation to go to a party during Advent.

not look so fun. Soon after the Advent will be the carnival, after all ... But - as is the faith - each chosen by the same person. And each for their own bad choices will be responsible. All Internet users wish good choices and fruitful Advent.

And do during Advent the church can get married? A ecclesiastical divorce?

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What if I love and want to be with a girl who is divorced? Why

What to do if you love and want to be with a girl who is divorced? I know that we can not conclude a church wedding, but does that mean that I will be forever outside the Church?

For starters, I clearly want to stress that life in connection niesakramentalnym caused by an earlier divorce (annulment of marriage ), one of the parties, does not remove CHURCH. So you will not be outside the Church, but you denied the use of the sacraments (especially confession and Holy Communion.). It involves the inability to receive absolution (adultery and lack of purpose of amendment, which is obvious in this case), but it is not a punishment.

In his teaching the Pope also spoke about the pastoral care of marriage niesakramentalnych, because the Church understands the various life reasons and does not nullify these compounds. If you are interested, I refer to the relevant portion of the Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio" Pope John Paul II (you have to scroll down a little, to the sub- "E").
therefore be bound with the one you love, pushes you away from the sacraments, but not from the church - you can (and should) attend Masses and stay close, as the Church understands this, the more God ...

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that baptism in his own parish church makes life easier in the future?

why the fact of baptism in his own parish church makes life easier in the future? The obligation to save a baptism. in the book of the baptized.

Every baptized is saved in the book of the baptized, which over time will be applied taking more notes on the sacraments. By the way: First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, or ordination, you need to reach for this book to check the fact of baptism, because, as we know, provide any further sacrament of baptism is without ineffective.

baptized themselves have an easier task if they were baptized in the parish in which they live, as desirous of adopting another sacrament, do not have to constantly re-supply pastor accepted a certificate of baptism. He himself, in his parish office can make sure of this fact. When the baptism took place in one parish, and we want to take the sacrament again in another, the necessary each time is to provide a certificate stating the fact of baptism.

task of every pastor is to care about keeping the church fair, especially those which state that receiving the Holy Sacraments. Not surprisingly requirement made by the legislator of the Church, which reads: The pastor of the award should be baptized immediately and accurately recorded in the book of the baptized name of the baptized, making mention of the steward, parents, godparents and the witnesses, if any, as well as the place and date of baptism given , giving the date and place of birth (Canon 877 § 1).

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Baptism should be recorded in the book of the baptized in the parish in which the occurrence. He who has this sure is a pastor. However, if the baptism was not given by the pastor, or in his presence, then the minister of baptism, whoever he is, has to notify the parish priest, in whom the baptism that has achieved record (cf. cann. 878).

priests pastors generally very meticulous care of filling their obligations to save not only baptism, but also give them in a parish church. Often very assiduously persuade people who want their child to the baptism took place in a place other than the parish church, the need to change the decision and turn your child into the Church in the community of his parish. This attitude of priests, pastors is certainly justified and commendable, but in special cases where parents' motives are justified, should not be refused them permission to baptize a child in another church than a parish church. In the face of such requests from child's parents, as in many other pastoral situations should be guided primarily by common sense and kindness toward others.

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What and how to baptize?

What and how to baptize?

sacrament of Baptism. is the beginning of the Christian way of life and integration into the community of the Church, in the words of Jesus: if a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).

The baptism of water is therefore necessary. The provision of canon law adds that, apart from a case of necessity, use of holy water (Cf. cann. 853 NCP). Therefore, during the baptismal ceremony, normally - except the Easter period - made the dedication of water to be able to use it directly to baptism. During Easter we use water, which was solemnly consecrated in the Easter Vigil. It is strongly recommended that, during the liturgy is celebrated in the Holy Night (with the Easter Vigil on Easter Sunday), was to be baptized, including the community church of new believers. This was indeed the tradition of the early Church. Currently, in many parishes is granted at the time of this baptism liturgy.

As for how to baptize, may be essentially two choices: *

by immersion;

* by glade (cf. cann. 854 NCP).

In our climatic conditions, the churches are not always well heated, normally used the second way, pouring three times as head of the person baptized. When a child is baptized, and relatively low temperature, normally, for the sake of his health, apply warm water.

You can also soak the person baptized in a water tank used in a given community to baptize. Called a three-time immersion in water and is thus easier to realize that washing with original sin.

Baptism should be provided while retaining all the rite prescribed in the approved liturgical books. Only in the case of urgent necessity, such as danger of death or lack of access to the priest or the relevant texts are generally used in the baptismal liturgy, use only what is required for the validity of the sacrament (cf. can. 850 NCP). So one can not use the words by which the Catholic Church granted to the baptism: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Hence, an important rite of Baptism consists in immersing the candidate in water or water polaniu his head with a simultaneous invocation of names of persons of the Trinity. The provider of the baptism must also be willing candidate's baptism in the spirit of the Catholic religion.

Information on "church divorce " are available by clicking on a link.

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What are the requirements of the Church before the baptism of a child proszącymi

What are the requirements of the Church before the baptism of a child proszącymi and pastors responsible for giving this sacrament?

answering this question, I will try to present the general requirements posed by the church in normal situations. However, we realize that sometimes take place in some exceptional circumstances that would warrant admission to a specific mitigation requirements. These general requirements gathered at several points.

first From asking for baptism must be sought from the parish where the child's parents live. Hence it is essential that the applicant baptism came to office just their own parish, there to report the birth of the child and ask for the sacrament of baptism.

2. Baptism should report the child's parents, and so the father and mother, unless some legitimate reason for preventing the presence of one of them.

third A competent person to the acceptance of baptism is a priest, a priest and therefore is not everyone, but one that actually works in the pastoral ministry in the parish. It should be in a cordial and tactful conversation is not only an insight into the religious environment in which the child will be raised, but also give you advice and useful tips related to the religious upbringing of the child, according to the needs of the religious consciousness of their parents. It should also encourage parents to receive the Eucharist (if possible) on the date of the baptism of the child and instructed about the Christian nature of domestic ceremonies. We see that the meeting in the parish office is to serve not only the care of the formalities associated with saving the child and discuss the course of the award ceremony of baptism. But also an opportunity to get familiar with a brief catechesis interested in the essence of this sacrament.

4th When reporting a child to be baptized in order to write the act of baptism, should be submitted;

a child's birth certificate from USC;

a marriage certificate Church child's parents if

of candidates for the godparents come from another parish, a certificate from their parish priest authorizing the release to take the functions godfather.

1. On the basis of documents provided, the minister shall make an entry in the Book of baptismal certificate of baptism by making the child. Immediately after its entry to the act or at another time, but at the latest immediately after the liturgy of baptism, the parents and godparents be signed in the book of the baptized.

second It is desirable that the application child for baptism, parents and godfather, give cards to confession and tell them about catechesis preparing for conscious participation in the rite of baptism and responsible fulfillment of the respective functions relating to the religious influence of the baptized. During this catechesis can gather handed before a card on which was recorded in the accession to the confession. child's parents and godparents.

In those six points I have tried to present a situation that could be called exemplary. Life teaches us that not every case falls within the given context. Therefore, in future articles to appear on the pages of this journal, I will discuss the other ( annulment of marriage), more complex life situations that justify granting consent for the sacrament of baptism in the Catholic Church.

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processing of personal data base

processing of personal data

issue of withdrawal from the Catholic Church has a formal act of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in a document dated 13 March 2006 According to the letter, the sacramental bond of belonging to the Catholic Church caused by the indestructible sign of baptism is an ontological and you can not break up because of an act of withdrawal. On the other hand, the literature of canon law stresses that the faithful who have departed from the Catholic Church by a formal act
not subject to the provisions of canon law with the exception of a few canons to protect the validity of marriages concluded by them. (Annulment of marriage )

Consequently raises serious difficulties for the evaluation of the effects in the light of Polish law an action to be taken on board wewnątrzkościelnym as a formal act of withdrawal from the Catholic Church. There are several possible solutions, two of which can be regarded as paramount.
First, we can conclude that such persons were no longer members of the Catholic Church, and therefore there is no condition of the Article. Paragraph 27. 1 point 4 of the Law on the Protection of personal data in connection

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Canon Law

Canon Law - the law of the Catholic Church.

name comes from the basic unit of ecclesiastical legislative drafting - the canon. Originally it was collections of canons (canones) formed the canon law - even though they were, and are also used other forms of editorial rules. To distinguish between the two legal systems - the secular and ecclesiastical - secular rules determined nomoi (gr. νομοι). Kanon (Latin canon) is a word of Greek origin (κανονες), literally meaning a string of carpentry, Reg and figuratively, the pattern - the norm.

Canon Law is a discipline which deals with the standards pertaining to the system of canon law. Sources

common law

law in force in the universal church.
divine right

* Natural - stems from the nature of man,
* Positive - a set of standards which the data were from God in the form of natural revelation:

; Old Testament (the judicial standards and customs),
New Testament (Christ's will, the establishment of the Church, the principles of operation, the establishment of governance).

God's law is unchanged under the threat of losing their own identity.
of positive law by the Church

* is it the Pope - the right of the Pope,
* is it the council - the college of bishops - the right Conciliar
* be set by the dicastery Roman Curia - jus constitutum

Sources of particular law

law in force in the particular Church, for example

* synodal statutes,
* Book of the Church.

Sources of Canon Law for Divorce church.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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recently offered by the World Book I came across a Burke Love. book I read in the near future, because it got me interested in a meaningful description.

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rebellious and naive teenager, Mary, runs away from her native island of Majorca to England. In London he meets Nasrada significantly from one another senior Afghan and Muslim. Love his ears, he's getting married. Planned for a short trip to the homeland my husband turns into a nightmare of life in multi-Taliban country where sharia law governs, treating women as objects. Will she escape?
whole story described a English journalist, to which Maria has asked for help ... Unbelievable and shocking!
