Saturday, January 8, 2011

Manual Unlock Mount And Blade

What if I love and want to be with a girl who is divorced? Why

What to do if you love and want to be with a girl who is divorced? I know that we can not conclude a church wedding, but does that mean that I will be forever outside the Church?

For starters, I clearly want to stress that life in connection niesakramentalnym caused by an earlier divorce (annulment of marriage ), one of the parties, does not remove CHURCH. So you will not be outside the Church, but you denied the use of the sacraments (especially confession and Holy Communion.). It involves the inability to receive absolution (adultery and lack of purpose of amendment, which is obvious in this case), but it is not a punishment.

In his teaching the Pope also spoke about the pastoral care of marriage niesakramentalnych, because the Church understands the various life reasons and does not nullify these compounds. If you are interested, I refer to the relevant portion of the Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio" Pope John Paul II (you have to scroll down a little, to the sub- "E").
therefore be bound with the one you love, pushes you away from the sacraments, but not from the church - you can (and should) attend Masses and stay close, as the Church understands this, the more God ...


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