What and how to baptize?
What and how to baptize?
sacrament of Baptism. is the beginning of the Christian way of life and integration into the community of the Church, in the words of Jesus: if a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).
The baptism of water is therefore necessary. The provision of canon law adds that, apart from a case of necessity, use of holy water (Cf. cann. 853 NCP). Therefore, during the baptismal ceremony, normally - except the Easter period - made the dedication of water to be able to use it directly to baptism. During Easter we use water, which was solemnly consecrated in the Easter Vigil. It is strongly recommended that, during the liturgy is celebrated in the Holy Night (with the Easter Vigil on Easter Sunday), was to be baptized, including the community church of new believers. This was indeed the tradition of the early Church. Currently, in many parishes is granted at the time of this baptism liturgy.
As for how to baptize, may be essentially two choices: *
by immersion;
* by glade (cf. cann. 854 NCP).
In our climatic conditions, the churches are not always well heated, normally used the second way, pouring three times as head of the person baptized. When a child is baptized, and relatively low temperature, normally, for the sake of his health, apply warm water.
You can also soak the person baptized in a water tank used in a given community to baptize. Called a three-time immersion in water and is thus easier to realize that washing with original sin.
Baptism should be provided while retaining all the rite prescribed in the approved liturgical books. Only in the case of urgent necessity, such as danger of death or lack of access to the priest or the relevant texts are generally used in the baptismal liturgy, use only what is required for the validity of the sacrament (cf. can. 850 NCP). So one can not use the words by which the Catholic Church granted to the baptism: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Hence, an important rite of Baptism consists in immersing the candidate in water or water polaniu his head with a simultaneous invocation of names of persons of the Trinity. The provider of the baptism must also be willing candidate's baptism in the spirit of the Catholic religion.
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