Dilemma No. 1
All these women pławiły
what happened in my dreams so suddenly gone
sailed away from my beach
The sudden opening up of new stimuli
still hungry and without beads
returned from these reefs
all those smells
amidst pulsating thigh *
ocean engulfed one love of your mouth
Ciechowski Greg sang the song "I'm The Pearl Fishers" from "Republic of Dreams." He sang about that when I became involved with the woman with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life, finally gone from his life all the other women with whom he was (or would ever be) associated gone into oblivion. "Sailed away from the beaches and never have to come back. It is currently in a relationship that survives despite the internal scysji.
But what if the sea washes ashore a body?
lives peacefully in a relationship and suddenly, the spirit, the same who haunt of Count Henry. What then?
Dilemma nr2
concerns the movie "Butterfly Effect" (Gruber / Bress
What would happen if przenosząc się w tył, zrobił tam coś co w konsekwencji doprowadziłoby go do śmierci mające miejsce wcześniej, niż czas w którym jest obecnie? Czy zniknąby? A jeśli tak to gdzie (czy też kiedy) by znikną? Gdzie byłby ciało i ile miałoby lat?
[*"Byłby iealnie ochodąc idzieć ostatne ej mukłe uda - tak powdział mój kolga"]
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